Please resurrect slotBuild() in trollprojectpart

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Oct 31 12:43:14 UTC 2006

On 30.10.06 22:10:51, Stephan Diederich wrote:
> problem:
> If the debugger detects a changed project it asks the user to rebuild.
> Pushing Yes does nothing for qmake projects.
> The reason seems to be a commented slotBuild() method in
> TrollProjectPart, which the debugger wants to use (debuggerpart.cpp
> Line 878)
> Following method would solve the problem:
> void TrollProjectPart::slotBuild(){
>     m_widget->slotBuildProject();
> }

Committed, but I really wonder why nobody mentioned this before. This
must have been broken for ages (the revision where slotBuild was
commented is 222666).


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