Some kdevelop 3.4 testing

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Oct 23 22:24:50 UTC 2006

On 19.10.06 17:28:11, Dario Vecchio wrote:
> I'm using kdevelop (branch 3.4) and monitoring svn activities.
> Thank you for the great work.

So after the feature freeze and cleaning out my todo-list, here's the
long answer to your mail. I'm cc-ing kdevelop-devel in case others want
to participate in discussion.

Any point that is not in this mail with a comment is fixed in the
current svn version.

>   - QMake Manager (QT 4.1.3)
>     - Add Subproject
>       - After inserting the subproject name should show the configuration dialog
>         (we have not yet specified if it is an application, a library or whatever)

Well we default to TEMPLATE=app as does qmake. I think this is sane and
doesn't force the user to go through "yet another dialog".

>     - Subproject Settings
>       - "Configuration" tab, "Build Mode" has no default selection (no radiobutton is checked)

This is a bit tricky, because we really don't know. If there's no value
in the .pro file qmake will use whatever was used when qt was compiled.
I guess we could default to debug, because people building apps will
probably debug them... I'll change that.

>       - Checking any subproject in the "Includes" tab results in wrong -I<subproject dir>
>         command line parameter (e.g. myproject/src, myproject/thelib results in
>         -I<absolute path to myproject>/srcthelib). The error is already in the .pro file.
>         I also think the path should be relative (-I../thelib) even in .pro file (qmake seems
>         to transform some path from absolute to relative). If everythink inside project is relative
>         we can easily move the project.

Well, the resulting .pro file looks as I started to put relative paths,
but didn't finish it. I'll fix that.

>     - Build order:
>       - seems to reflect the creation order and not the dependencies (if you create
>         "src" application and then "thelib" library it doesn't work)
>       - now works if manually change the build order in the root project

That would be rather hard to do and it's too late now anyway (feature
freeze). A nice idea though, I'll keep it in mind for kdevelop4.

>     - SOURCES->RMB->context menu->Properties: removes the file

Not sure what you mean with that.

>     - Shared Libraries: no rpath (linker option) to the relative subdir (the executable
>       wont start)

There's no way to tell qmake to use rpath

>     - I add a static lib (existing subproject) to "src" build and everythink is ok.
>       Then I change the static lib to a dll: the "src" project gets confused. The lib is removed
>       from "convenient libraries inside project" and an external nonexistent static lib.a
>       is added to the "src" project.

That I need to look into.

>       I also had a situation in which contains at the same time
>       CONFIG += dll and CONFIG -= dll for a static library

That should be fixed.

>   - Project Options->Debugger->Debugger Executable set to /usr/bin doesn't work
>     (for me, gdb 6.5 installed from sources in /usr/local/bin, doesn't work even if I specify
>     /usr/local/bin, it only works if left void or if I specify /usr/local/bin/gdb)

That is actually correct, you need to specify the executable, not just
the directory containing it.

>   - Debugging (gdb 6.5) if you add a variable watch (say val) and then step out of the variable
>     scope the debugger shows an error message box (must close it every time) but you cannot
>     delete the watch from the "Variable" window because the invalid watch is disabled, so at every
>     debugger step you get the error and must close the message box.
>     I think should be better to mark (with different color or with a xxx value or whatever else better
>     but not disable) the invalid watch in the "Variable" window without display any message box.
>     Note that with gdb 6.4 there is not the problem but there are error messages closing the application
>     under debug.
>     Maybe kdevelop should test the gdb version (does it now?) to manage the different behaviours.

I leave that in this mail, but I suggest you sent out a separate mail to
kdevelop-devel at about this last issue because the guy
responsible for the debugger probably doesn't read this mail.


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