A test session with the current kdevelop

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Oct 20 19:54:11 UTC 2006

On 20.10.06 14:29:27, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Alexander Dymo wrote:
> > On Friday 20 October 2006 21:20, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >> And the direction here 
> >> seems to be to take away the mode I like for a mode I don't, removing my
> >> option.
> > No, we will not remove any KMDI modes in 3.4.
> I know that, but my impression is that it won't be around forever... 

Of course not, because kdevelop3.4 is the last kdevelop in the KDE3 line
as well as KDE3.5 is the last minor KDE release in that line.

With KDE4 kdevelop4 uses Qt's dockwidgets which provide these things,
though I'm not sure out of the top of my head how similar they are to
kmid's ideal mode.

> which is fine *if* simplified catches up in those few areas I've 
> mentioned. :-)

It won't fully catch up I think. kdev3.4 is the last 3.x release and has
feature freeze on Monday - I doubt Alex can do that much until then.
Though I sometimes think those guys hack like 100 loc in a minute ;)


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