KDevelop 3.4 RC 1

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Oct 13 20:01:51 UTC 2006

On 13.10.06 11:51:42, Matt Rogers wrote:
> How stable has the new QMake stuff become? Are we getting enough useful 
> feedback from our testers to get bugs fixed?

Yes, Stephan Diedrich is currently very active and I guess once I ping
geiseri again I can get some support from him too. However there are
still some things on my todo list.

> Same questions for the code completion.

More important IMHO: Debugging, there are afaik still some problems with
the debugger, the most annoying at the moment is that it tries to acces
0-pointers and variables that are not initialized at the current code line..

> I'd like to release 3.4 RC 1 soon. Can we agree to a feature freeze that will 
> start on Monday, the 16th, with an RC 1 release a week after that?

I check my todo list tomorrow morning, but I think I have one or two
minor "feature" changes that I'd like to make before a freeze. And I
don't have time this weekend (stupid diploma thesis ;)


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