Where is the UI proposal from akademy?
Adam Treat
treat at kde.org
Tue Oct 10 16:27:11 UTC 2006
My attempt at describing the UI proposal:
1. We should allow multiple QMainWindows to be created by the user showing
different perspectives. This would mean, for instance, that a MainWindow
could be on screen 1 showing the default perspective, while a second
MainWindow could be on screen 2 showing the debugging perspective and even a
third or fourth MainWindow with different perspectives could be shown on
screen 3 and 4. Hamish with his huge monitors has asked for this.
2. Perspectives will just be a matter of using the QMainWindow API and calling
saveState() and restoreState() for various perspectives. The user can
dock/undock and show/hide/arrange docks to his liking and 'Create
Perspective' by attaching the current arrangement to a shortcut and a name.
We believe this can all be done with QMainWindow API and, of course, we could
ship with some number of defined perspectives.
I don't think anything is too crazy or out of the ordinary to this point,
right?? Here is where we got a little inventive:
3. Each plugin could, at the plugin author's discretion, choose to publish a
model (inherits QStandardItemModel) along with a view. These models would be
shown in another window that Alexander is calling the 'Project Management
Window', but I would call it something else to not confuse it with the
project manager....
This window would be a custom view that displays the plugin models. It would
be very much like the interface to Mac OS Finder with a 'drill down
view' (See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/blog/106) Imagine the top-level
drill down containing the names of the plugin models:
Documents -->
Project Manager -->
Debugger -->
Code View -->
etc, etc
And then the second tier would be up to the models to display. This was
inspired by XCode's _GIGANTIC_ 'Groups and Files' list where they seem to
have all the different 'plugins' listed and a treeview that drills down to
various items. Well, we thought this is a good idea so that the user can
still have a perspective with all the various plugins listed and functional,
but without IDEAl mode. And to make it even better and less cluttered than
XCode's _GIGANTIC_ list, we would use a Finder like drill down! :)
I think that is the basic ideas that we came up with.
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 12:02 pm, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 October 2006 06:04, Matt Rogers wrote:
> > As I understand it from akademy, Adam and Alexander managed to hammer out
> > a lot of the UI issues and thing so that we can have a kick-ass UI.
> Well, actually plenty of people participated in KDevelop BoF where
> UI discussion happened ;)
> > I'm getting ready to start some major UI work soon. Is there a
> > proposal/mockup/commit that can be presented and commented on? I'm quite
> > interested to see what y'all have in mind.
> I'll try to describe what we agreed upon.
> Major points:
> 1) Ideal-like UI with only one main window shoud go.
> 2) We want separate set of windows for project management, file editing
> and debugging (aka perspectives).
> 3) A lot of plugins that show their views should export models only and
> we should show them in Finder-like interface.
> Description:
> Project Management Window:
> This window collects all project related functionality in Finder-like
> interface. Models from each plugin that export project-level or
> global-level model are shown here.
> The first view lists all the plugins. Second and third views show model
> that plugin export. When you select an item in the view, several actions
> may be activated. They are shown in the toolbar under the views.
> For example, to create a file you select "File Creation" then "New Empty
> File" then click on "Create" button that appears at the bottom.
> You can try it with my prototype (ruby application, require ruby bindings
> to Qt) or look at the screenshots
> (project_window1.png, project_window2.png).
> Note that not all view items in the prototype show the list of actions.
> Code Editing Windows:
> Basically we looked at Eclipse and found that its splitted-tab ideology
> and file selector popups near the tabbars is what we want to see in our
> code editing windows.
> I'm including the Eclipse screenshot here: eclipse_code.png
> Such window with editors should be a separate window.
> Also we think that we should be able to detach any editor and create a new
> code editor window.
> Debugger Windows:
> We liked the way Xcode debugger looks and works so we agreed we want
> something similar.
> http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/XcodeUse
> IIRC we thought that code editing windows can have old Ideal-like toolviews
> but their number will be greatly reduced because most of them are
> in project window.
> This was basically what we thought about the UI.
> Please, anyone who was at the BoF, feel free to correct me or add
> something I forgot.
> Also let's have an IRC meeting today or tomorrow at, say between
> 18:00 and 20:00 UTC, to discuss these ideas.
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