SVN plugin

Megan Webb mwebb at
Tue Nov 7 10:01:57 UTC 2006

Okay. If you have a student working on the plugin that's excellent:-)

Just looking for areas that need work, and are unmaintained.
Was asking the list to find out.  (Don't want to duplicate effort, or
step on someone elses

I was looking at rapidsvn, and their api:
and thinking "plugin".


Vladimir Prus wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 November 2006 09:11, Matt Rogers wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 03:24:23PM +0300, Vladimir Prus wrote:
>>> On Monday 06 November 2006 14:25, Megan Webb wrote:
>>>> Is there a maintainer for the svn plugin?
>>>> I submitted a patch for the diff command for now.
>>>> I know there's a feature freeze, so don't want to do too much
>>>> there now.
>>>> I think there is room to improve this plugin, and since I've started
>>>> using it, am willing to take this on if no one else is working on it..
>>>> Is  working on a new/upgraded svn plugin?
>>>> Please let me know so we don't duplicate efforts..
>>> FWIW, I have a student, Alexander Lyubitskiy, that is working on SVN GUI
>>> frontend, and there are plans to eventually make a KDevelop (4) plugin
>>> out of it.
>>> One important goal is to simplify handling of diffs and commits. For
>>> example, commit should pop up a window with entire diff where you can
>>> specify comments for individual changes, and exclude specific changes
>>> from commit, without going to other windows or manually reverting
>>> changes.
>>> Long-term plans include support for local history, and UI for merging
>>> changes between branches.
>>> I'm not sure what's the right approach for cooperation would be -- for
>>> now, this project is completely standalone, and not ready for practical
>>> use. Maybe a Wiki with ideas would be good?
>>> - Volodya
>> I don't think a GUI frontend for SVN matters for us unless there's going to
>> be an api provided for it that we can use in KDevelop. 
> Have you missed the
>     make a KDevelop (4) plugin out of it.
> part in my email. I certainly don't propose to launch a separate program from 
> KDevelop ;-)
>> I'd like to see some 
>> tighter integration with source control in KDevelop 4 compared to the 3.x
>> series 
> Certainly.
>> and I guess I need to organize my thoughts on that subject and put 
>> them on the KDevelop wiki.
> Ok, great.
> - Volodya
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