Qt4 and CMake (OT)

Patrick Noffke pnoffke at bigpond.com
Wed May 31 09:24:30 UTC 2006

Apologies if this isn't the correct place for this question, but I 
recall hearing kdevelop is switching to cmake, so perhaps someone here 
can assist.

I cannot for the life of me get moc to run when using cmake (2.4.2) on a 
Qt (4.1.3) project.  I have a library (xmlrpc) and this test harness 
(TestValues) that uses the QtTest library.  I've followed examples from 
this wiki:


to get started on my CMakeLists.txt files.  I have another test harness 
that has no QObjects (and therefore nothing needs to be moc'ed), and 
that links and runs just fine.  But this test harness has a QObject 
subclass, and when I run make, I get the following output:

Linking CXX executable values_test
In function `TestValues::~TestValues()':
: undefined reference to `vtable for TestValues'
In function `TestValues::TestValues()':
: undefined reference to `vtable for TestValues'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [test/values/values_test] Error 1
make[1]: *** [test/values/CMakeFiles/values_test.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

I've seen other indications that this error means moc hasn't run, and 
there are in fact no moc files around.  I've tried to #include 
"moc_TestValues.cpp" or #include "TestValues.moc" and that didn't help.

Any tips on what I can try?  Are there other Qt4 + cmake examples out there?

My CMakeLists.txt file for the test harness looks like this (it is a 
subdir of project(xmlrpc)):

# the next line sets up include and link directories and defines some
# variables that we will use.
# you can modify the behavior by setting some variables, e.g.
# -> this will cause cmake to include and link against the OpenGL module

include_directories (${xmlrpc_SOURCE_DIR}/src)

link_directories (${xmlrpc_BINARY_DIR}/src)

# the variable "values_test_SRCS" contains all .cpp files of this project


# tell cmake to create .moc files for all files in the variable 
# that require such a file.
# note: this assumes that you use #include "header.moc" in your files

#QT4_WRAP_CPP(values_test values_test.h)
#QT4_WRAP_CPP(values_test ${values_test_SRCS} ${values_test_MOC_SRCS})
#QT4_WRAP_CPP(values_test ${values_test_SRCS})

# create an executable file named "values_test" from the source files in the
# variable "values_test_SRCS".
add_executable(values_test ${values_test_SRCS})

# link the "values_test" target against the Qt libraries. which libraries
# exactly, is defined by the "include(${QT_USE_FILE})" line above, which 
# up this variable.
target_link_libraries(values_test xmlrpc ${QT_QTTEST_LIBRARIES} 

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