Crash when importing a project
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Sat May 27 22:10:53 UTC 2006
just tried to import a Qt4 project (qmake based) into kdevelop. Neither
importing as Qt C++ App (Qmake based) nor Generic C++ App (custom
Makefile) works, both crash with the same backtrace (attached).
In the 2nd case (generic C++ app) I have let kdevelop import all files
he finds.
If you stand on your head, you will get footprints in your hair.
-------------- next part --------------
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/".
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1242696000 (LWP 11630)]
[New Thread -1260889168 (LWP 11675)]
[KCrash handler]
#5 0xb7ebeb22 in QObject::parent (this=0x4) at qobject.h:154
#6 0xb7ec4965 in QWidget::parentWidget (this=0x4, sameWindow=false)
at qwidget.h:878
#7 0xb674465d in QWidget::topLevelWidget (this=0x8e088a8)
at kernel/qwidget.cpp:2361
#8 0xb5c567e4 in QXIMInputContext::setMicroFocus (this=0x87ce190, x=1405,
y=981, h=20, f=0x0) at qximinputcontext_x11.cpp:761
#9 0xb5c8c2fc in QMultiInputContext::setMicroFocus (this=0x87cdfb8, x=1405,
y=981, w=0, h=20, f=0x0) at qmultiinputcontext.cpp:150
#10 0xb66756c4 in QWidget::setMicroFocusHint (this=0x880f8c8, x=2, y=38,
width=0, height=20, text=true, f=0x0) at kernel/qwidget_x11.cpp:981
#11 0xb54b9158 in TEWidget::setCursorPos (this=0x880f8c8, curx=0, cury=2)
at TEWidget.cpp:771
#12 0xb54d3408 in TEmulation::showBulk (this=0x8931eb8) at TEmulation.cpp:452
#13 0xb54d7a33 in TEmulation::qt_invoke (this=0x8931eb8, _id=13,
_o=0xbfc15d9c) at TEmulation.moc:297
#14 0xb54d7a84 in TEmuVt102::qt_invoke (this=0x8931eb8, _id=13, _o=0xbfc15d9c)
at TEmuVt102.moc:120
#15 0xb671154b in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x8931f00, clist=0x8932a70,
o=0xbfc15d9c) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
#16 0xb6711fdc in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x8931f00, signal=2)
at kernel/qobject.cpp:2325
#17 0xb6aa52ae in QTimer::timeout (this=0x8931f00)
at .moc/debug-shared-mt/moc_qtimer.cpp:82
#18 0xb67364a1 in QTimer::event (this=0x8931f00, e=0xbfc160e8)
at kernel/qtimer.cpp:219
#19 0xb66a787a in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfc16398,
receiver=0x8931f00, e=0xbfc160e8) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2635
#20 0xb66a7a76 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfc16398, receiver=0x8931f00,
e=0xbfc160e8) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2358
#21 0xb6e3d02e in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfc16398, receiver=0x8931f00,
event=0xbfc160e8) at kapplication.cpp:550
#22 0xb7d11791 in QApplication::sendEvent (receiver=0x8931f00,
event=0xbfc160e8) at qapplication.h:520
#23 0xb6699305 in QEventLoop::activateTimers (this=0x8118330)
at kernel/qeventloop_unix.cpp:556
#24 0xb664cd2a in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x8118330, flags=4)
at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:389
#25 0xb66c0255 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x8118330)
at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:198
#26 0xb66c017a in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x8118330)
at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:145
#27 0xb66a638d in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfc16398)
at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2758
#28 0x0804efa8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfc165e4) at main.cpp:145
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