
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu May 25 00:33:53 UTC 2006

On 25.05.06 02:23:55, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 24.05.06 21:00:24, Andras Mantia wrote:
> > SVN commit 544444 by amantia:
> > 
> > First step in breaking the huge cppcodecompletion.cpp in multiple files (not cleaned up, just split a little).
> > Compiles and links here, but please test.
> It compiles and links here too. However the classview cannot be loaded
> because the lib misses a symbol:
> Library loader error: /home/andreas/kdev_unstable/lib/kde3/ undefined symbol: _ZTV17FancyListViewItem
> andreas at morpheus:~/compiling/kdevelopcvs/kdevelop/lib/widgets/.libs>objdump -t | grep Fancy
> 000d5238  w    O .data  0000000c              _ZTI17FancyListViewItem
> 00084540  w    F .text  00000053              _ZN17FancyListViewItemD0Ev
> 00081a06 g     F .text  0000003c              _ZN17FancyListViewItem15backgroundColorEi
> 00081c1e g     F .text  0000006d              _ZN17FancyListViewItem7setItemEi13TextPaintItem
> 00081a42 g     F .text  000000c3              _ZN17FancyListViewItem9textWidthERK5QFontRK7QString
> 000c93ab  w    O .rodata        00000014              _ZTS17FancyListViewItem
> 000d5260  w    O .data  000000ac              _ZTV17FancyListViewItem
> 000844ec  w    F .text  00000053              _ZN17FancyListViewItemD1Ev
> 00081ea2 g     F .text  00000773              _ZN17FancyListViewItem9paintCellEP8QPainterRK11QColorGroupiii
> 00081b76 g     F .text  000000a7              _ZN17FancyListViewItem7setTextEiRK7QString
> 00081c8c g     F .text  00000216              _ZN17FancyListViewItem5widthERK12QFontMetricsPK9QListViewi
> 000819bc g     F .text  0000004a              _ZN17FancyListViewItem4initERK7QStringS2_
> 00081b06 g     F .text  0000006f              _ZNK17FancyListViewItem4textEi
> Sorry I don't have the slightest idea why this happens.

Also kdevelop crashes when loading any cpp project. Backtrace attached.

terminal output:
andreas at morpheus:~>kdevelop
QLayout "unnamed" added to IndexView "unnamed", which already has a layout
Uh oh.. can't write data..
kdevelop (core): Looking for language support for C++
kdevelop (core): Language support for C++ successfully loaded.
kio (KTrader): WARNING: Parsing ' and [X-KDevelop-Version] == 3' gave syntax error
kio (KTrader): WARNING: Parsing ' and [X-KDevelop-Version] == 3' gave syntax error
kdevelop (core): projectDir: /home/andreas/projects/imageprepare  projectName: imageprepare.kdevelop
QString::arg(): Argument missing: KDE-Symboldaten, kde_icon
QString::arg(): Argument missing: KDE-Symboldaten, kde_icon
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevdocumentation
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevfilter
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevgrepview
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevopenwith
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevscripting
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevtexttools
kdevelop (core):  *** Removing: kdevtools
kdevelop (core): [void KDevProject::slotBuildFileMap()]
QObject::connect: No such slot GDBDebugger::GDBBreakpointWidget::slotAddBreakpoint()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'gdbBreakpointWidget')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'gdbBreakpointWidget')
QObject::connect: No such signal GDBDebugger::OutputText::showInternalCommandsChanged(bool)
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'gdbOutputWidget')
kio (KTrader): WARNING: Parsing ' and [X-KDevelop-Version] == 3' gave syntax error
kio (KTrader): WARNING: Parsing ' and [X-KDevelop-Version] == 3' gave syntax error
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting project opened
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotActionAddToIgnoreList()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'subversion_ignore')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotActionRemoveFromIgnoreList()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'subversion_donot_ignore')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotStopButtonClicked(KDevPlugin*)
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'Subversion')
kdevelop (subversion part): subversion :projectOpened
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::editDocumentInternal(const KURL&, int, int, bool, bool)]
 file:///home/andreas/projects/imageprepare/src/albumwidget.cpp linenum 92 activate? false addToCurrentBuffer? false
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): Creating a new MultiBuffer for albumwidget.cpp
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::slotPartAdded(KParts::Part*)]
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile file:///home/andreas/projects/imageprepare/src/albumwidget.cpp
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::editDocumentInternal(const KURL&, int, int, bool, bool)]
 file:///home/andreas/projects/imageprepare/src/albumwidget.h linenum 41 activate? true addToCurrentBuffer? false
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::editDocumentInternal(const KURL&, int, int, bool, bool)]
 file:///home/andreas/projects/imageprepare/src/albumwidget.cpp linenum -1 activate? true addToCurrentBuffer? false
kdevelop (core): Delayed activation of albumwidget.cpp is now complete.
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::slotActivePartChanged(KParts::Part*)]
kdevelop (core):  *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (core):  *** found "file_save" action - disconnecting
kdevelop (core):  *** found "file_reload" action - disconnecting
kdevelop (core): languagePart() insists addToCurrentBuffer = true
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++hdr
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::slotActivePartChanged(KParts::Part*)]
kdevelop (core):  *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (core):  *** found "file_save" action - disconnecting
kdevelop (core):  *** found "file_reload" action - disconnecting
kdevelop (core): [void PartController::slotPartAdded(KParts::Part*)]
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile file:///home/andreas/projects/imageprepare/src/albumwidget.h


You may be recognized soon.  Hide.
-------------- next part --------------
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/".
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1242200384 (LWP 21921)]
[New Thread -1259910224 (LWP 22357)]
[KCrash handler]
#5  0x0804efe4 in QShared::deref (this=0x15) at qshared.h:50
#6  0xb6aa6d26 in QString::deref (this=0x8de56f8) at tools/qstring.cpp:1549
#7  0xb6aa6fa0 in QString::operator= (this=0x8de56f8, s=@0xbfc7397c)
    at tools/qstring.cpp:1594
#8  0xb53d2b01 in CodeModelItem::setComment (this=0x8de56e0, 
    comment=@0xbfc7397c) at codemodel.h:432
#9  0xb53d12cb in StoreWalker::parseClassSpecifier (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    ast=0x8de5288) at store_walker.cpp:463
#10 0xb51fab32 in TreeParser::parseTypeSpecifier (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    typeSpec=0x8de5288) at tree_parser.cpp:168
#11 0xb53cd9c0 in StoreWalker::parseTypeSpecifier (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    ast=0x8de5288) at store_walker.cpp:385
#12 0xb53ce5f3 in StoreWalker::parseSimpleDeclaration (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    ast=0x8de8c30) at store_walker.cpp:234
#13 0xb51fa955 in TreeParser::parseDeclaration (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    declaration=0x8de8c30) at tree_parser.cpp:81
#14 0xb53cd8cc in StoreWalker::parseDeclaration (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    ast=0x8de8c30) at store_walker.cpp:57
#15 0xb51fad11 in TreeParser::parseTranslationUnit (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    translationUnit=0x8de47e0) at tree_parser.cpp:38
#16 0xb53cef84 in StoreWalker::parseTranslationUnit (this=0xbfc73bb8, 
    ast=0x8de47e0) at store_walker.cpp:51
#17 0xb538f4ba in CppDriver::fileParsed (this=0x89709b0, fileName=@0xbfc73d7c)
    at cppsupportpart.cpp:143
#18 0xb51bf58c in Driver::parseFile (this=0x89709b0, fileName=@0xbfc73d7c, 
    onlyPreProcess=false, force=false) at driver.cpp:252
#19 0xb537d592 in CppSupportPart::slotParseFiles (this=0x894eed8)
    at cppsupportpart.cpp:1256
#20 0xb53825f0 in CppSupportPart::qt_invoke (this=0x894eed8, _id=35, 
    _o=0xbfc73e98) at cppsupportpart.moc:246
#21 0xb678a54b in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x81c1e10, clist=0x8dd8380, 
    o=0xbfc73e98) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
#22 0xb6b1c1a9 in QSignal::signal (this=0x81c1e10, t0=@0x81c1e38)
    at .moc/debug-shared-mt/moc_qsignal.cpp:100
#23 0xb67a7c4c in QSignal::activate (this=0x81c1e10) at kernel/qsignal.cpp:212
#24 0xb67af710 in QSingleShotTimer::event (this=0x81c1de8)
    at kernel/qtimer.cpp:286
#25 0xb672087a in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfc744b8, 
    receiver=0x81c1de8, e=0xbfc74208) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2635
#26 0xb6720a76 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfc744b8, receiver=0x81c1de8, 
    e=0xbfc74208) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2358
#27 0xb6eb602e in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfc744b8, receiver=0x81c1de8, 
    event=0xbfc74208) at kapplication.cpp:550
#28 0xb7d81ced in QApplication::sendEvent (receiver=0x81c1de8, 
    event=0xbfc74208) at qapplication.h:520
#29 0xb6712305 in QEventLoop::activateTimers (this=0x8118140)
    at kernel/qeventloop_unix.cpp:556
#30 0xb66c5d2a in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x8118140, flags=4)
    at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:389
#31 0xb6739255 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x8118140)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:198
#32 0xb673917a in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x8118140)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:145
#33 0xb671f38d in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfc744b8)
    at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2758
#34 0x0804efa8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfc74704) at main.cpp:145

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