MI branch merge

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Sat May 20 13:45:27 UTC 2006

On Saturday 20 May 2006 08:33, you wrote:
> On Saturday 20 May 2006 16:28, you wrote:
> > you know where bugzilla is. Please prefix bugs with the MI stuff with
> > [MI] or MI: or some sort of similar prefix.
> It wasn't clear how Volodya wants the bug reports for something under
> heavy development. He said "However, I'd very much
> appreciate testing by developers right now." which I read "please test
> and let me know about the bugs".
> But I can file separate bug reports if you want it. ;-)
> Andras

Let's wait and see what Volodya says. I was just thinking that 6 bug reports 
in one email was quite a lot. :)

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