mailinglist problem?

KDevelop Developer Mailinglist kdevelop-devel at
Mon May 8 12:54:28 UTC 2006

KDevelop Developer Mailinglist wrote:
> Suddenly all my mail from the kdevelop-devel mailinglist come up as sent from:
> "KDevelop Developer Mailinglist
> <kdevelop-devel at> to kdevelop-devel", not as
> sent from the original author. (This makes it rather confusing who is
> actually the sender of a message, as people don't always state their
> name.)
> What's up? Am I the only one seeing this?
No, we finaly have a new mailinglist server.
And I configured it to hide all e-mail addresses.

As you all know I really hate Spammers, e-mail harverters and the like!

Amilcar Lucas

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