Google SoC 2006 - C# integeration.

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at
Thu May 4 22:20:09 UTC 2006

On Monday, 1. May 2006 23:07, Hans Lombard wrote:
> Hi all
> Concerning the Google Summer of Code 2006, and the project proposal on
> C# integration
> I'm a BSc student from South Africa interested 
> in applying and working on this project.

Hi Hans,

I'm sorry to reply that late, it's just that I am on a music workshop in 
Hungary just this week and I have little opportunity to get a hold of an 
internet connection.

On Tuesday, 2. May 2006 05:37, Matt Rogers wrote:
> The person who would be the most knowledgeable about the C# integration
> project is Jakob Petsovits. He does read this list and so I hope that he
> will reply to your email as well, if he hasn't already. He's probably the
> most qualified person to mentor you.

Thanks for the flowers, although I'm quite sure that Roberto Raggi is more 
qualified in every possible way. Maybe I've got more time than him though.
Would be interesting from Roberto (or Adam, maybe?) to hear if he would have 
time to mentor this. Alternatively (and if I don't get it for myself) I'd do 
the mentoring, if you want to.

On Tuesday, 2. May 2006 10:29, Richard Dale wrote:
> I thought Jakob was applying for the SOC project himself.

That's right. Which doesn't mean that I don't tolerate other applications next 
to mine. In any case, it's a better idea to submit an application instead of 
not doing so, why should you not try it? (I'm not the best programmer in the 
world and I'm just as unsure about getting it though, so there's no reason to 
shiver away.)

I still have to read the terms of service (man, is this extensive!), and will 
post my application to the list as soon as I have submitted it.

Already enjoying the buzz around the SOC,

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