code completion problem && some generic questions

Bernd Schubert bernd-schubert at
Thu Mar 9 02:09:09 UTC 2006

> I'm not familiar with cmake at all, but I wonder where the
> CMakeLists.txt come from? Are they generated from the's or
> by some cmake-configure script that reads ConfigureChecks.cmake? Because
> there are no lists here..

The CMakeLists.txt file is the cmake analogue to all of those many autotools 
files. I guess this file was automatically created by an autotools2cmake 
The ConfigureChecks.cmake is just something like a headerfile for 
CMakeLists.txt and included there.


Bernd Schubert
PCI / Theoretische Chemie
Universität Heidelberg
INF 229
69120 Heidelberg

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