Qt 4 Development

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jun 29 17:42:07 UTC 2006

On 29.06.06 13:06:56, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> Greetings,
>  With the latest beta of KDevelop, how do I get it to use Qt4 if my Qt is 
> installed in opt?

What exactly do you want? qmake needs to be in PATH AFAIK, but I
wouldn't recommend using QMake based projects in kdevelop3 anyway
because kdevelop will use it's qmake manager which doesn't understand
qmake4-stuff yet. 

Also designer invocation doesn't work (see a recent post from me) when
designer from qt3 is first in path. 

I have no idea how kdevelop3 handles translation stuff.


While you recently had your problems on the run, they've regrouped and
are making another attack.

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