QT4 support in upcoming KDevelop 3.4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Jun 24 12:09:44 UTC 2006


I'd like to know what the plans for better Qt4 support are for KDEvelop
3.4? I know there won't be qmake-support and compiling Qt4 apps that use
autotools works pretty well, however there are a few things left that
I'd like to know more about:

1. Codecompletion, I had a quick try, creating a pcs-database for qt4
include dir but Codecompletion didn't show up.

2. More important: Configurable designer executable, currently there's
no way to tell kdevelop which designer executable it should use when
opening the standalone designer. I don't have Qt4 in my path because I
often compile Qt3 apps and I'd have to remember to re-adjust PATH to
point to Qt3 before running the apps. And with Qt4 it's much easier to
just execute qmake once and have qmake set all paths correct. Or with
auto-tools I can give the apps I'm working on a --qt4-dir and they
figure it out. Just a line-edit below the "use standalone Qt designer in
the Settings-Configuration" should be fine.

3. Debugging support for Qt4 QStrings and such things, but IIRC that was
already added, right? (Didn't debug Qt4 apps for a few weeks now)


Excellent time to become a missing person.

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