kdev-pg: Stars and pluses

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at gmx.at
Mon Feb 6 10:48:03 UTC 2006

On Monday, 6. February 2006 10:10, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> > I have adapted the grammars in SVN to the new syntax in my working copy,
> > so those can be committed right away as well. Ok to apply?
> I'm all for it

done. The thesis will have to be adapted too, but that's not too urgent.

> > P.S.: Do we also want a question item? Does it make sense to make it a
> > new tree item as well? Why is it commented out in the current parser?
> yeap! in future we'll use "question items" to implement LL(k)

Oh yeah, I'm sorry, I meant an EBNF-like question item, like

  : (...other unary items...)
  | primary_item '?'          { $$ = pg::optional($2); }

I'll keep the lookahead question item for another thread.


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