kdelibs documentation directories question

Hamish Rodda rodda at kde.org
Mon Aug 21 08:42:49 UTC 2006

On Monday 21 August 2006 18:26, Jeremy Laine wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having some trouble with KDevelop's handling of kdelibs
> documentation on Debian, and am wondering whether someone could
> explain to me the difference between the two following "configure"
> options?
>    --with-kdelibsdoxy-dir=DIR         where the kdelibs documentation
> is installed
>    --with-kdelibsdoc-dir=DIR         where the kdelibs documentation
> is installed
> I understand the first option, which looks for
> "kdecore/html/classKApplication.html". I pass
> --with-kdelibsdoxy-dir=/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdelibs-apidocs and
> the test succeeds.
> However, I don't understand the second option which looks for
> "kdecore/index.html"..

This is just a guess, but that might have been for the pre-doxygen era.  Does 
it work without specifying it?

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