RFC: Change behaviour of "build file"

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Aug 19 23:39:42 UTC 2006


I'd like to get opinions about a behavioural change for the build file
action in the qmake manager. I think it's more intuitive if that action
runs make <file>.o, where file is the currently selected source/header
file in the file list and not the currently opened file. 

For me it doesn't make sense that an action inside the project manager
works on the files that I have open, I'd expect that under the build

So I'd like to move the action to the fileTools menu and make it work on
the currently selected file item. I might also try to provide a menu
entry in the build menu that compiles the currently opened file, of
course with a descriptive name that implies this.

Any comments welcome.


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