
Jakob Petsovits jpetso at
Tue Aug 8 17:47:52 UTC 2006

On Tuesday, 8. August 2006 16:52, Adam Treat wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 August 2006 5:40 am, Jakob Petsovits wrote:
> > SVN commit 570972 by jpetso:
> >
> > * Say hello to the KDevelop codemodel generator, kdev-cmg.
> >   It produces those subject-to-be-changed codemodels like
> >   the current C++ one (which is provided in examples/cpp)
> >   and uses kdevelop-pg as internal parser ;)
> Can it produce a codemodel for csharp and java?

When you feed it with an appropriate .cm file, it will.
Expect one for C# in the next one or two days.

> How about the binder or is that next?

That's next, the codemodel generator doesn't do any binding.
I'm currently checking out if there's a way to have it generated,
and if so, how.


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