KDevelop4 features (Was: change of maintainership in KDevelop)

Hamish Rodda rodda at kde.org
Wed Apr 5 13:36:07 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 05 April 2006 19:46, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 April 2006 13:28, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> > > Personally, I think that KDevelop is pretty bad when it comes to
> > > real-world use-cases. For example, I'm just now looking at Eclipse's
> > > code in Eclipse, and going to class declaration with one click, and
> > > going to list of all uses of a method in one click are both extremely
> > > handy, and missing in KDevelop.
> >
> > Whenever you want to switch your debugger work to kdevelop4, I'm ready to
> > help you get some stunning results for the debugger <-> editor
> > integration
> >
> > :)
> I'm not yet sure when I can switch fully, but maybe we can discuss/plan
> right now? I already have several specific ideas what can be improved on
> Kate part.

Sure.  You'd do well to look at:




for starters.

> > I did have a debugger port (only took about an hour) but it was going
> > to suffer bitrot so we removed it for now.  Perhaps when MI is stable?
> Guess I'd need a couple of weeks to finish MI porting, and then unspecified
> time will be spend on fixing bugs in the resulting thing.

Sure, no pressure, just let me know.

> > > For another example, consider the use-case of applying a patch.
> > > Ideally, KDevelop should be able to guide a developer from receiving of
> > > email, to applying, resolving conflicts, building, testing, and
> > > comitting (including auto-composing the list of changed functions for
> > > commit log).
> >
> > I want to provide external tool inlining which should help kate be
> > integratable into kdiff and friends, and then hopefully this will be
> > better.
> That would be cool. But what specifically do you mean about external tool
> inlining.

Inserting arbitrary widgets in between lines of text.  Eg. for kcachegrind, to 
be able to insert cost statements where relevant; for difference viewing, to 
insert other versions of text.

> One approach on KDevelop side would be to just embed KPart and 
> show it inside the tab widget used to select files. No support from Kate is
> necessary. Or it might be possible to use some plugin interface for Kate,
> that will make, for example, chunks of a diff file appliable with a click,
> or something like that.

Neither requires kate support.

> > > Or consider SVN integration. Ideally, I want to select "Annotate"
> > > command somewhere and see revision numbers on the left of the edited
> > > text, with all revision numbers clickable and leading to log message
> > > for that revision and full diff for that revision.
> >
> > Ditto.  I also think we need to use libsvncpp if it's mature, to get the
> > benefits of being able to use the local .svn directory.
> On Kate side, we'd need:
>   - Ability to add custom area on the left of the text with content
> rendered by KDevelop

That is one thing I've been thinking of adding

>   - Ability to make some word clickable.

See the action binding to smart ranges (although it's not implemented and the 
api is subject to change).

> And while we're at it, another Kate idea I have is this. Now, if compile
> ends with an error in KDevelop, we don't seem to jump to the first error at
> all. I think it would be nice if we:
>   - Jump to the first error
>   - Right inside document, show the error message in a box
> This way, the error message is close the the location, and the message
> window on the button can be just hidden.

Probably will be best to use the texthint interface (when I get around to 
refreshing it)

> Yet another editor-related wish is this. Say you open a file that's in
> "conflicted" state. It would be nice if, above the document itself, but in
> the same window, you'll see box saying:
>   "File has conflicts. Showing first one, press F3 for the next"
> Some kind of context help right inside document window.

That doesn't need kate support, but it would probably be better to use the 
status bar for that anyway.

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