KDevelop svn branches status

Steven T. Hatton hattons at globalsymmetry.com
Mon Sep 5 07:59:07 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 30 August 2005 05:19, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 30.Aug 2005 - 02:02:55, Steven T. Hatton wrote:
> > There is also something similar that happens with regular code completion
> > but the messages are slightly different.  If I can reproduce it I will
> > post those messages as well.
> >
> > Please, someone try the same thing on their system, and let me know what
> > happens.
> I already told you, that the same happens here, only that if I just
> include QT in the PCS database after some time kdevelop is "done" and I
> can work again. That is if memory is not all eaten up by the procedure.
> To me as a non-kdevelop-developer it looks like the database access is
> somehow iterating over _each_ class in the PCS and creating new
> instances from the stored information, but freeing them only when the
> whole iteration is done and not earlier. Somethings broken in the
> DB-Querying if you ask me...
> I think the same happens when I use Code Completion while editing.
> Andreas

This is a capture of the output from KDevelop when it hung on an edit code 
completion.  I've never waited long enough for it to return, if it ever will.

kdevelop (core): [void PartController::slotNewStatus()] 
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::completeText()
kdevelop (cpp support): node-kind = ClassSpecifier
kdevelop (cpp support): startLine =    This library is distributed in the hope 
that it will be useful,
kdevelop (cpp support): ------------------- AST FOUND --------------------
kdevelop (cpp support): node-kind = StatementList
kdevelop (cpp support): ------> found a function definition
kdevelop (cpp support): [int CppCodeCompletion::expressionAt(const QString&, 
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::computeContext() -- main
kdevelop (cpp support): ===========================> type is: 
kdevelop (cpp support): ===========================> word is: P
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name:  
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace QObject: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: QObject in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace Qt: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: Qt in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace QObject: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: QObject in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace Qt: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: Qt in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QAction 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QAction ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace QAction: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: QAction in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace QObject: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: QObject in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace Qt: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: Qt in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QObject ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace QObject: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: QObject in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: Qt ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace Qt: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: Qt in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QGCache 
kdevelop (cpp support): -----------> findContainer name: QGCache ::
kdevelop (cpp support): has namespace QGCache: false
kdevelop (cpp support): find class: QGCache in namespace ::
kdevelop (cpp support): found class: <anon>
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()
kdevelop (cpp support): CodeInformationRepository::query()

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