A New idea for kdevelop IDE

Vinay Khaitan vkhaitan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 22:35:05 UTC 2005

Hello devs!

I have often seen and faced a problem with class function definitions.

Function count becomes so large that tracking the required functions becomes 
difficult......I mean searching for the function in th .cpp file and we tend 
to put functions  randomly in .cpp file, which causes more of trouble.
  we cant remember name of each and every functions to search it and such 
largeness also create problems latter in code comprehension.
But I think, IDEs can solve the trouble.

 We can give a feature of functions grouping and subgrouping within a 
single .cpp file. Most important functions would be in main group  and their 
helper functions would be in their subgroups.
We can use comments to identify groups and those functions would be put 
in .cpp file separated from each other to easily recognise.
 Kdevelop will have "views" in which it can show only main functions, a 
functions and its helper functions, things like that and it will hide rest of 
the functions
Any takers, comments ?
In fact, I think IDEs can solve and help in many type of design troubles. 
Refactoring support is just a tiny bit of those helps. There needs some 
radical changes in how IDE is presented to the user. I will comment more on 
changes later. 
BTW, I see myself in future as kdevelop hacker :)

Vinay Khaitan

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