maintainers (was Re: Me wants me RIDE ;)

Randy Kramer rhkramer at
Tue Oct 4 23:21:08 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 04 October 2005 09:16 am, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> The good news is that the support I have for this extension within kate is
> quite modular itself and i've been toying with the idea of putting it into
> a separate library.  This way yzis, qeditor, nedit etc. would only have to
> provide extremely basic information (which text is deleted and which is
> inserted) in order to get full SmartCursor and SmartRange support in their
> app.
> Mikmak, interested?

I'm not Mikmak (you could tell, couldn't you ;-), nor a kde developer, but I 
am interested in building an app using khtml and nedit, so anything that 
keeps nedit as a viable option is something I want to voice a vote in favor 

Randy Kramer

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