cpp header organizer

Felix Berger bflat1 at gmx.net
Mon Jan 10 21:40:55 UTC 2005

On Monday 10 January 2005 12:36, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> please, can you send me the code. 

Thanks for taking the time. I attached the patch and new files.


void CppHeaderOrganizer::organizeHeaders()

I tried both, using the backgroundparser and setting up a new parser, but to 
no avail.

> I'm pretty sure the parser works in the 
> _right_ way :) I'm using the StatementAST & friends for the code completion
> stuff, and it seems to work(look at CppCodeCompletion::computeContext()).

I added a debug statement in the following function:

void CppCodeCompletion::computeContext( SimpleContext*& ctx, StatementAST* 
stmt, int line, int col )

It was never called, maybe something with my setup is messed up.


Use Debian GNU/Linux!
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