KDevelop meeting in October

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 8 17:09:05 UTC 2005

	Since matt, adam and I will be at OSDW in october is there interest in having 
a one day meeting to catch up the north americans on KDevelop 3.x and 
KDevelop 4 progress.  We are all very busy, and I know it has been hard to 
keep everyone in the loop here.  Is anyone from the EU able to be there too?  
Ideally we will have some progress in malaga, but I think we need to have a 
meeting in north america so that we can keep everyone up to speed.   It 
sounds like we can get a lab area to hack if we need it, so we will have a 
time and place to work on some small things.

	-ian reinhart geiser
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