Improving the KDevelop UI

Lasse Kärkkäinen / Tronic tronic2 at
Fri Apr 15 18:53:04 UTC 2005


Major problems:
- Too many buttons everywhere (UI clutter)
   * Hard to fit them on screen
   * The application feels difficult to use
- Too many icons to remember, no text on buttons
   * Not possible to add text because the buttons would not fit anywhere
- Right vertical tab bar is almost empty
   * The main reason for the existence of this bar seems to be that there is 

     not enough space in the bottom one
- Vertical tab bars are difficult to use
   * Tab title text is not displayed
   * Setting it to display the title (of the selected tab) makes the
     situation even worse
- UI is very dynamic (panels pop in and out all the time)
   * Confusing and possibly annoying

The bottom bar currently includes own "tab" for every possible tool. There 
is one for grep, one for CVS, one for SVN, etc. There's even a Konsole 
window down there. Clearly many of these actually share their purpose. For 
example, tabs that are basically terminal windows - compile logs, gdb, the 
application running, ... - could mostly be combined into a single shared 
tab. Further reduction of clutter can be accomplished by:
- Using dialogs for functions instead of the tab panels
   * Useful for SVN/CVS commits, etc.
- Using temporary tab panels that appear only when the function is active
   * Useful for Search & Replace
- Using temporary tab panels that appear when the function is activated, and
   that are soon after closed by the user
   * Useful for grep

Konsole tab should not be required. It is clearly a separate application, so 
the user may run a real Konsole, should he need one. Maybe add a 
"Terminal"-button in the menus or the top toolbars, if this seems like an 
important function (to open it in project directory).

UI mode switch to reduce clutter. Many things are only needed when the app 
is running in debugger and serve no purpose otherwise. Similarly, when it is 
debugged, one cannot modify or rebuild it, etc, making some functions 
unavailable. This clearly calls for two separate modes. There could be use 
for other modes too, even now, or in the future.

Left vertical tab bar contains some functions that really belong to the file 
menu and optionally to the top toolbar. New file and file selector panels 
are such functions. Project file browsers could be combined into a single 
panel where one can choose whether to browse by file type, or by tree. 
Bookmarks panel is something that I do not understand at all (what is the 
purpose of this thing?). Watches is not related to project browsing, so it 
should go where the rest of the debugging stuff go.

The class browser toolbar in the top does what the class browser (tree) on 
the left toolbar should be doing, and as such, should probably be removed in 
favor of the tree view.

In general, hide any panels that are only used by certain functions, that 
are not active right at the moment. This would especially apply to the 
"Replace" panel in the bottom. The user cannot do anything with this thing 
except when he is doing a search/replace.

As requested by annma (#kde/Freenode), I redesigned the UI. I chose to 
follow the K.I.S.S. principle (less is more) in order to get a simple 
user-interface that doesn't get into the way, but that still offers all the 
functions. I also tried to follow the normal cross-platform HID that people 
are familiar with (in contrast to common KDE practices).

This is by far not a complete design, but it still is something that one can 
easily build on. Thus, I request feedback from all of you. If you feel that 
I missed some function that you need all the time, or that there are other 
points to improve, don't hesitate to post your ideas. Also, should you feel 
that my design is inferior to the design in use, please let me know why.

There are currently two modes (edit mode and debug mode), which get 
automatically switched whenever user starts or stops the debugger. In the 
following drawing I have included "(mode selection?)" in the statusbar. This 
could be a dropdown or something that simply allows getting to the other 
mode without having to find the proper function to go there. However, I am 
not so sure of the positioning of this control (status bar is kinda odd 
place to place controls in), and thus the question mark.

The scetch drawings are a bit out of scale due to ASCII limitations (in
particular, the edit area is supposed to be significantly wider).


This is the mode where KDevelop would normally be in.

[-] ExampleProject - KDevelop                                      [_][^][X]
| File  Edit  (...)                                                        |
| (project toolbar)      | (build/run toolbar)    | (kdevelop toolbar)     |
+-------+-----+-------------+     +----------------------------------------+
|Classes|Files|Files By Type|     | (edit toolbar)                         |
+       +-----+-------------+---+ +----------------------------------------+
|+-----------------------------+| |                                       ^|
|| [-]## Project              ^|| |                                       #|
||   [+]## FooClass           #|| |                                       #|
||   [-]## BarClass           #|| |                                       #|
||      +-## run()            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #||=|           (edit area with             #|
||                            #||=|            its rulers, etc)           #|
||                            #||=|                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            v|| |                                       v|
|+-----------------------------+| |<#####################################> |
+-------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+
+--------+---+-------------+                                               |
|Messages|Log|Documentation|  (possibly other tabs)                        |
+        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|| (listbox of compile errors, or whatever is relevant at the time)       ||
||                                                                        ||
||                                                                        ||
||                                                                        ||
| (mode selection?)  (status bar)                                          |

Edit toolbar is quite obvious: it contains all functions that apply to the 
document being edited under it. This would include cut/copy/paste, replace, 
save, ...

Project toolbar contains similar functions on a higher level. New class, 
project settings, etc. It also contains the commit/update options for 
working with the repository (project settings determine which kind of repo - 
no separate buttons for SVN and CVS).

Build/run toolbar contains, in addition to what the current one contains, 
also options for starting in debuggers (gdb, valgrind). It also contains a 
terminate-button that is greyed out if the application is not running (nor 
in debugger).

Finally, kdevelop toolbar can contain functions that do not affect the 
project, but that control the environment. The "Settings|Configure 
KDevelop..." option would be a good candidate. What comes to the font size 
buttons, those don't really belong here (one goes to the options dialog to 
configure the font size, type, colors, et cetera, et cetera).

The toolbars are designed so that they can display text under the icons on 
moderately sized screens. In other words, there cannot be too many options. 
The purpose of a toolbar is not to duplicate all the functionality that is 
already available from the menus, but to offer quick access to the commonly 
requested options.


When a debugging session begins, KDevelop will move into another mode. This 
mode clearly requires different set of functions, so a different set is 
provided. The edit toolbar on top of the edit window will get replaced with 
the debug toolbar. Also, the bottom tab selection changes heavily. Compiler 
logs or errors are no longer relevant, so those should be hidden. Instead, 
now we want watches, stacktrace or whatever data we may want to monitor from 
the debugger. Optimally these should not only be available as tabs, but as 
detachable panels. I.e. they could be inside a tab, on edge of the window 
(say, on the right hand side of the edit area, that is otherwise unused), or 
freely floating little windows. Dunno how flexible KDE/Qt is in these 
things, though.

This mode will accept setting breakpoints by clicking on the ruler next to 
the source code. The symbol (or color) to denote breakpoint is only 
displayed in debug mode, not in edit mode. Editing the source code is not 
permitted in this mode¹.

[-] ExampleProject - KDevelop [DEBUGGER RUNNING]                   [_][^][X]
| File  Edit  (...)                                                        |
| (project toolbar)      | (build/run toolbar)    | (kdevelop toolbar)     |
+-------+-----+-------------+     +----------------------------------------+
|Classes|Files|Files By Type|     | (breakpoint/step/debug toolbar)        |
+       +-----+-------------+---+ +----------------------------------------+
|+-----------------------------+| |                                       ^|
|| [-]## Project              ^|| |                                       #|
||   [+]## FooClass           #|| |                                       #|
||   [-]## BarClass           #|| |                                       #|
||      +-## run()            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #||=|           (edit area with             #|
||                            #||=|            its rulers, etc)           #|
||                            #||=|                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            #|| |                                       #|
||                            v|| |                                       v|
|+-----------------------------+| |<#####################################> |
+-------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+
+--------+-------+-----+                                                   |
|Debugger|Watches|Stack|   (these tabs are just examples to give the idea) |
+        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|| (terminal window displaying the interface of gdb)                      ||
||                                                                        ||
||                                                                        ||
||                                                                        ||
| (mode selection?)  (status bar)                                          |

One thing that I did not display in the drawings is the tab bar of the edit 
area. I think that this feature should be configurable (whether to use that 
bar or not). If it was used, it would work as a "favorites" bar - a quick 
way to access those few files that are actively being worked on. This way 
the user does not need to find the file in the class/files browser every 
time. However, the management of this tab bar should be as automated as 
possible, as users will never do that by hand (GNOME UI design team, among 
many other people, found this out the wrong way). This could be accomplished 
by setting a maximum number of open tabs (so that they still fit in there 
nicely) and by always closing² the one that has not been touched for the 
longest time³.

Another thing that really should be taken care of is "quick hacking". 
Currently it requires a lot of work to write and compile a hello.cpp. One 
has to choose license types, versioning system, etc, etc... It could be 
helpful if there was a way to just edit a single source code file and then 
compile it, without going thru the pain of creating a project, the autotools 
stuff and everything. This would eliminate the need to use nano or emacs 
along a fully featured IDE.

¹) It might be helpful to be able to switch into edit mode without 
terminating the active debug session, and then, later, return to the 
debugger. In this case none of the changes made in edit mode would affect 
the running code seen in debug mode.
²) Closing the file would merely mean removing it from the tab bar. The 
editor would still remember the cursor position, the undo history, etc, as 
long as the file is still part of the project.
³) A more complex system could be used too: if user opens a file (via class 
browser) and makes a single edit, then goes to work on some other files and 
doesn't return to that one, it is likely that he isn't going to do that 
later either (any time soon, at least). Thus, it might be wiser to remove 
this file instead of the one that has not been touched in the longest while. 
Typical scenario: a little change that is required in every file of the 
project - user will open each file, make the change, the abandon the file. 
After doing them all, he wants to return to the file he was working on.
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