Patch: buttons not showing in src/mimewarningdialog.ui

Alejandro Exojo suy at
Fri Oct 29 12:06:16 UTC 2004

El Martes, 26 de Octubre de 2004 20:12, Jens Dagerbo escribió:
> On Wednesday 20 October 2004 12.14, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
> > [ I'm not subscribed to kdevelop-devel. Can you CC me, please? ]
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > The buttons of src/mimewarningdialog.ui were not appearing in my system.
> > They were hidden, because the dialog wasn't enough big (maybe because I'm
> > using a higher resolution than the average?), and I have to resize it to
> > see it fully.
> >
> > I'm not a Qt designer expert, but with attached patch, now they appear
> > properly. I've just changed the vertical size policy of the QLabel and
> > the QButtonGroup from preferred to minimum.
> >
> > OK to apply?
> Yes, please do something about this. I've been meaning to but haven't yet
> remembered at the right moment. :)
> Could you please also take a look at Thomas Fischer's patch for the same
> thing and see if it covers anything your doesn't?

Well, they are a bit different. Thomas patches not only the layouts, he adds a 
KSqueezedTextLabel, so if the path to the file is very long, the dialog will 
not be huge.

I just don't understand why he changes a property from Expanding to Fixed, but 
I think his patch is better.

Best regards.
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