KDevelop UI cleanup initiative
Sascha Cunz
scunz at ng-projekt.de
Sun May 30 23:07:35 UTC 2004
On Sunday 30 May 2004 15:53, you wrote:
> I'm sending it now directly to you, too, because of the mailing-list's
> slowness. :) ---
CC'ing the list again, 'coz i do not like "dis-coordination" and saying things
more often than neccessary :-)
> Am So, den 30.05.2004 um 5:23 Uhr +0200 schrieb Sascha Cunz:
> > > [Yup.. more. the following added by Tobias Gläßer]
> > >
> > > - The 'Build' - and 'Clean API Documentation' entries make more sense
> > > in the Project than in the Build menu. The build menu should be
> > > reserved for the actual code building proccess. API documentation is
> > > closely related to projects.
> >
> > So building and cleaning the API documentation is not a build proccess? i
> > doubt that and think that these are good where they are and should remain
> > there.
> I think you got the point wrong. The 'Build' menu of a development IDE
> should be reserved for the building of your application/library
> whatever, but nothing else.
> The 'Build/Clean API Documentation' entries aren't related to the build
> process, because they are a totally seperated task.
> They make more sense in the Project menu, that's simply more intuitiv
> Tobias Gläßer
I must admit that your point isn't that far off. Though i still think that
"the creation of data that is dependant on the project" is a build-proccess
and should be started via a "build"-menu. Same applies of course for cleaning
that data again.
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