[Bug 76553] New: Add Documentation Entry: Strange GUI, impossible to add documentation

Bernd Pol bernd.pol at online.de
Tue Mar 2 22:25:09 UTC 2004

Am Dienstag, 02. März 2004 10:06 (UTC) schrieb Robert Vogl:
> The dialog to integrate external documentation (Configure
> KDevelop/Documentation Tree/KDevelop TOC Documentation) is not
> intuitive to handle. If I like to add external documentation I have
> to specifiy a location prior to the title. I expect the reverse
> order. The title-widget is greyed out. Why is the user prevented from
> specifying the desired title? The location dialog asks for a *.toc
> file. How to get or create that??? It is impossible simply to specify
> a local directory that holds an index.html-file for documentation
> that was delivered as HTML (and not generated by Doxygen).
> The table shows three columns named "Name", "Title" and "URL".
> Therefore if I click on "Edit" I expect to edit name, title and URL
> of an entry of that table. But I'm asked to change a "Documentation
> Path" (I guess same as URL) instead. The widget for "Library name"
> and "Library source path"(?) are grayed out and cannot be changed (am
> I really in the edit-dialog!?). And why is the Edit-Dialog completely
> different from the Add-Dialog? This is not intuitive.
> A confusing GUI is a bug. Nevertheless my integrated documentation
> never shows up in the "Documentation" window.

It is a bit tricky. And, yes, it does not behave as one assumes at first 
sight. But help is underway... ;-)

I did just commit a new section of the User Manual to CVS HEAD. This 
will show up online tomorrow at

Look at chapter 6, "Standard Contents of the Documentation List" 
Have a good day,

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