.kde/share/config/kdeveloprc clashes with the kdevelop-2.1.5 kdeveloprc

Izo I at siol.net
Tue Mar 2 16:18:06 UTC 2004

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:

> Izo wrote:
>> Platform: KDE-3.2.0
>> I have built/installed both KDevelop-2 and KDevelop-3. I just realized
>> that the .kde/share/config/kdeveloprc is generated by both apps. Is it
>> possible to separate them ? I mean, it is very annoying since at least
>> one of the kdevelops behaves very strange in such situation - using same
>> rc file.
> I have no experience in working with both KDevelop-2 and KDevelop-3 in 
> the same machine.
> But the executable names, and rc files are the same and maybee they 
> share even more stuff.
> So It is not advisable to even try that!!!
As to date I've identified only three clahses: binary name (as from 
renaming it gideon->kdevelop), $KDEDIR/share/appse/kdevelop directory 
and the $HOME/.kde/share/config/kdeveloprc. The problem with the later 
is that it obviously is not controled by the kdevelop (since there is no 
string "kdeveloprc" inside any of the sources) but by the KDE itself.

The binary name is really not the problem. The library names are all 
different, so no clash. The $KDEDIR/share/apps/kdevelop directory is the 
same, but can be avoided by installing one or another out of the $KDEDIR.

Why having both installed ? I need the KDevelop-2 for production (I've 
got many projects maintained with the crossplatform support patched 
KDevelop-2 which are not "swallowed" by KDevelop-3) and the KDevelop-3 
more and more for new projects. I will patch the kdeveloprc problem with 
the KDevelop-2 if anybody tells me how to do it.


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