Commercial Support and Training for KDevelop

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at
Mon Mar 1 22:04:02 UTC 2004

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	We are looking at providing commercial support for KDevelop on Linux and 
Solaris in North America and where wondering from others here on the list 
about what people might wish to see.

	Currently we wish to provide a dead-tree version of the manual, along with 
on-site training of KDevelop.  The on-site training would mostly be a how-to 
for MSVC 5-6 developers so they can get used to how a good IDE works ;)

	We also would like to provide contract support for bug-fixes.  The idea being 
that we would fix bugs in KDevelop outside the normal releases and provide 
new builds to clients, while the patches would be in CVS HEAD immediately.  
This gives clients a faster turn around, but won't cause a KDevelop 
sub-release every few weeks ;)

	Lastly, we wish to provide feature development so companies who want missing 
features (*cough* java *cough*) can get them at an accelerated rate.

	There has been talk of a MinGW32 port with compiler support but we really 
didn't want to attack that one until we got a big contract for that.  Its 
possible, as Qt 3.3 compiles with MinGW32 and we have an idea on how to port 
most things to Qt-Win32...  again this is a lofty future goal and until we 
have the money, we cannot give that sort of time.

	If there are any opinions or ideas from the community on these matters please 
let us know.  We would like to be a part of the community, and would like the 
communities support, as KDevelop has given us 4 years of an awesome IDE we 
wish to give something back. We want to give KDevelop a commercial voice, so 
that we can put the only thing Eclipse has on us to rest!

	-ian reinhart geiser

- -- 
+-Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at
+-Vice President of Engineering 
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