Overview to KDE / KDevelop commits (Was: build fails on parts/appwizard/Makefile.am)

Sascha Cunz scunz at ng-projekt.de
Tue Jun 1 03:06:04 UTC 2004

Hi Steven,
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-cvs&w=2&r=1&s=kdevelop&q=b

Yeah, this is basicly the "commit list".

It is the list of all commits into the kde cvs server. You can of course 
filter for kdevelop; but you might also consider this sources of information:

"CIA": ( http://cia.navi.cx/stats/project/kde/kdevelop )
CIA is a very nice directly connected to many open source projects. It's main 
purpose is to create those webpages. But CIA also feeds:

"IRC KDE Commit Channel": ( irc.freenode.net - #kde-commits )
CIA posts all cvs commits to kde repository into this irc channel.

"NNTP" - ( news://us.linuxtraining.com )
Newsgroup: kde.kde-cvs.kdevelop
This is one of the few sources where you get actually the commits separated 
into modules - that is, there is a news group for each module in kde 

Another important source of information is the mirrored content of cvs to a 
web interface (for kde located at: webcvs.kde.org ) where you can browse the 
recently made changes. If a commit is large, the cvs server wont attach a 
patch to the message it spits out on kde-cvs ml. On "webcvs" one can directly 
see what changed.

Cheers Sascha

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