new trollproject

Thomas Hasart thasart at
Tue Jul 20 00:01:01 UTC 2004


I have revised the qmake manager completely.
this bug is in the new manager already fixed.
i have upload the new trollproject:

Thomas Hasart

here is a short list of thing i have changed:

-complete rewrite of config dialog
-config dialog uses KDialogBase
-switch subproject on open config dialog by clicking subproject item

-remove all Toolbuttons, now Use kactions && ktoobar
-fix bug adding multiple files
-correct corba handling, now use QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIXTARGET
-fix Bug 76040 && Bug 74099?? in filebuffer hanling of  ${....} vars 
-add actions to set build mode for all projects over context
-add correct INCLUDEPATH if ui_output _path is setted
-rewrite scope handling
-rewrite file handling
-add target make actions:
-add seting of includedeps 
-fix "build before execute" feature
-fix Bug 76037 "build target" >> now builds all depended targets before "build 
-add actions "build ...(only target)"

-build file, now saves all files
-check appRunning before "execute" 
-add action "relink target"

-fix Bug 73420 "double files"

-fix bug in fileBuffer handling vars like "TARGET.files"

-add make actions:
        install target
        install project
-Bug 74810 "win32 scopes" add handling for *.dll *.lib but, not testet
-revise Exclude Dialog ( Installs must fix later);

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