KDevelop3 beta 2 doesn't compile on PowerPC

Imobach González Sosa imobachgs at softhome.net
Fri Jan 2 15:08:04 UTC 2004

Hi all,

I've compilled succesfully KDevelop 3 b2 on my Desktop computer (Pentium 4)
and it seems to works fine.

But I can't compile it on my iBook G4. I have this error message:

*** Warning: Linking the executable r++ against the loadable module
*** libkdevcppsupport.so is not portable!

Then appears some "undefined reference" errors and the compilation aborts.

Any idea?

        EuropeSwPatentFree (http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es)
(o_.'   Imobach González Sosa   imobachgs at softhome.net
//\c{}  imobachgs at step.es       osoh at jabber.org
V__)_   Usuario Linux #201634
Gentoo Linux con núcleo 2.4.23 sobre Intel Pentium 4

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