Switching between decimal and hex watch-display

rgruber at users.sourceforge.net rgruber at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 6 00:20:10 UTC 2004


I\'ve done a lot of debugging last week and I was very confused about the fact that KDevelop still has no possibility to switch between decimal and hex watch-display. So I\'ve decided to hack a bit and here it is!

I\'ve added an entry to the popup menu which opens if you righ-click a variable that is already in the watch-list. Everytime you select that entry, the selected watch toggles between no formating and hex-value formating. The converting is done by adding \"/x\" infront of the variablename. I\'ve tested it pretty hard and for me it workes very well.

If you\'re interested in adding this to KDevelop, you can download variablewidget.[cpp,h] from http://kmp3indexer.sf.net/misc/ or alternatively I\'ve appended the cvs diffs for the two files.

Best regards,
Robert Gruber

BTW: This will close the bug #60670 from bugs.kde.org

Robert Gruber -=- rgruber at users.sourceforge.net

CVS Diffs:
Index: variablewidget.cpp
RCS file: /home/kde/kdevelop/languages/cpp/debugger/variablewidget.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -r1.34 variablewidget.cpp
>     connect( this, SIGNAL(toggleRadix(QListViewItem*)), SLOT(slotToggleRadix(QListViewItem*)) );
>         int idToggleRadix = popup.insertItem( i18n(\"Toggle Hex/Decimal\") );
>         if (res == idToggleRadix)
>             emit toggleRadix(item);
> /* rgruber:
>  * this it the slot which is connected to the toggleRadix() signal
>  * it removes the given watch variable an replaces it by another
>  * watch that includes a format modifier
>  */
> void VariableTree::slotToggleRadix(QListViewItem * item)
> {
>   if (item==NULL)  //no item->nothing to do
>     return;
>   VarItem *pOldItem = dynamic_cast<VarItem*>(item);
>   VarItem *pNewItem = NULL;
>   QString strName = pOldItem->text(VarNameCol);
>   if (strName.left(3) == \"/x \")   //are we already in hex-view ???
>     strName = strName.right(strName.length()-3);  //stripe the hex-formater
>   else
>     strName = QString(\"/x \")+strName;  //add the hex-formater
>   pNewItem = new VarItem((TrimmableItem *) item->parent(), strName, typeUnknown);
>   emit expandItem(pNewItem);
>   pNewItem->moveItem(pOldItem);  //move the new item up right under the old one
>   delete item;  //remove the old one so that is seam as if it was replaced by the new item
>   pOldItem=NULL;
> }
>     bool bRenew=false;  //this indicates if the current item needs to be replaced by a new one.
>                       //the problem is, that the debugger always replaces already
>                       //format-modified local item with non-mofified ones. So with every
>                       //run we need to newly modify the outcome of the debugger
<         if (child->text(VarNameCol) == match) {
>         QString strMatch = child->text(VarNameCol);
>         bRenew=false;
>       if (strMatch.left(3) == \"/x \") {  //is the current item format modified?
>           strMatch = strMatch.right(strMatch.length()-3);
>           bRenew=true;
>       }
>       if (strMatch == match) {
<                 if (item->getDataType() == type)
<                     return item;
>                 if (item->getDataType() == type) {
>                   if (bRenew && dynamic_cast<VarItem*>(item)) { //do we need to replace?
>                       VarItem* pNewItem = new VarItem((TrimmableItem *) item->parent(),
>                                child->text(VarNameCol), typeUnknown);
>                       emit ((VariableTree*)pNewItem->listView())->expandItem(pNewItem);
>                       pNewItem->moveItem(item);
>                       delete item;
>                       item=NULL;
>                       item=pNewItem;
>                   }
>                   return item;
>               }
>     QString strData=data;
<     QListViewItem::setText(column, data);
>     QListViewItem::setText(column, strData);

Index: variablewidget.h
RCS file: /home/kde/kdevelop/languages/cpp/debugger/variablewidget.h,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -r1.12 variablewidget.h
> //rgruber: we need this to be able to emit expandItem() from within TrimmableItem
> friend class TrimmableItem;
>     //rgruber
>     void toggleRadix(QListViewItem *item);
>     void slotToggleRadix(QListViewItem * item);

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