top-level window doesn't contain child windows!

Paul Drummond paul.drummond at
Tue Apr 13 20:52:05 UTC 2004

> Lovely, isn't it? Try this: Close KDevelop, open your
> ~/.kde/share/config/kdeveloprc file, remove anything that says
> [dockSetting.. or [dockSession (this is probably most of the file), save.
> Restart KDevelop. Hopefully, it should be back to normal now.

Yes, that worked, thank you.  Wonder why the stable version doesn't break 
though?  I have a copy of the broken kdeveloprc file if anyone wants to 
examine it ! 

> > Should also point out that the stable version of KDevelop3.02 works fine.

> On the same box at the same time? This would surprise me.

Yeah, it surprised me but it works - I have a new snapshot (just for fun!):

When I first downloaded KDevelop I wanted the stable version, but now I have 
used the IDE a bit, I would be happy just to use the HEAD version 
permanently.  Thing is, I use GENTOO and I am a newbie so I'm not sure how to
properly install the HEAD version.  Anyone got any tips?  At the moment I have
just compiled the sources manually but not sure if that is correct on GENTOO, 
or is it?

Either way, I am not bothered about running both the stable and unstable 
version together - I will just use HEAD from now on then I will be able to 
report bugs and eventually, try to contribute hopefully!

Before I go, I must say thank you to all the KDevelop developers - this is an 
excellent IDE and every time I use it I seem to find a new impressive 
feature.  Well done guys and I hope I can help one day!

> jd
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFAfAxw6meJzsUuplQRAiLLAKCKTvtOw81oiwEDM1i2IHvd5+aY3wCgiEVf
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> =+vAm
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