no start bugs in KDE 2.1

Robert White rwhite at
Tue Sep 23 19:40:09 UTC 2003

I have started experiencing bugs where KDE will not start for a specific

The console window shows the following when KDE2.1 (on RedHat Linux 7.3 -
kernel 2.4.18-5) tries to start

>QGList::locate: Index 0 out of range
>QGList::locate: Index 1 out of range
>QGList::locate: Index 2 out of range
>QGList::locate: Index 3 out of range
>QGList::locate: Index 4 out of range
>QGList::locate: Index 5 out of range

Then it just stops...

Any idea on how to work around or correct this bug.

Robert White
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt
Los Alamos National Labs
NIS-2: Non-Proliferation and International Security Division
Space and Remote Sensing Group
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