KDevelop 3.0 Alpha 6 release plan

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Sat Sep 6 12:25:04 UTC 2003

Same here! Thanks for the great job Caleb!

F at lk Brettschneider wrote:

> Thanks a lot Caleb. You've done a great job! :-)
> Cheers
> F at lk
> caleb at aei-tech.com wrote:
>> Quoting Harald Fernengel <harry at kdevelop.org>:
>>> Last chance to step up if you think you'll like to be the new 
>>> KDevelop  maintainer:    
>> Thanks all for letting me be "maintainer" for the past year or so.  I 
>> apologize for not having much time to work on KDevelop recently, but 
>> real life projects have gotten in the way.  I hope to be able to 
>> continue collaboration in the future when I can muster some more time.
>> Caleb

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