xml-gui with kdevelop question

pepillo josecegri at myrealbox.com
Sun Oct 12 15:30:08 UTC 2003

Hi all!

Not sure if send this to this list or kde-devel list. I'm gonna try here.

I've been coding with Qt for a year. I'm almost new to kde programming and of 
course to kdevelop. actually i'am developing a gui for an application using 
the xml-gui classes in kdeui. 

As I read the application in order to work properly with the xxxui.rc file 
must be installed, so i've installed in a folder of my HOME dir. I've changed 
KDEDIRS, PATH and run kbuildsycoca, and it runs okey from within the 
enviroment and the file is parsed and menus defined in my xxxui.rc file shows 

The problem appears running the app with kdevelop the file ain't parsed, seems 
that the app can't found it or whatever. I've tried changing the exec that 
kdevelop runs (and debug) and pointing at the installed file (with make 
install) but i'm getting the same results: the menus defined in my xxxui.rc 
don't appear.

Any help is appreciated, 'cause i feel really comfortable working with kde and 
I wanna switch from qt and work in kde environment. And of course kdevelop is 
a very nice tool, i love it.

At last, and maybe a bit off-topic, has had anyone any luck compiling last 
htdig version with suse 8.2? I have so many problems in compiling htdig 
because of libstdc++ (i'm getting used lately to changing source codes from 
some apps that are being developed with a bit old versions of the library).

Have fun!

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