New qt/kde-3.0.x compat patch

Iztok Kobal iztok.kobal at
Tue Oct 7 12:47:03 UTC 2003

Well, I assumed that there is a project manager who would update the's with includeing kdevkurl.h into the project - 
nevertheless, here they are with the lib/compat/kdevkurl.h updated for 

Still, there is  problem with the editors/qeditor - linking against is too much for kdelibs-3.0.x since it does not exist 
there. Would be somebody kind enough and check if it is needed for 
kdelibs>=3.1.0 ? Or arrange the editors/qeditor/ in such a 
way that it does not need libkutils for kdelibs-3.0.x ?

Iztok Kobal
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