kconfig_compiler ??? - Problem has more significance!!!

Iztok Kobal iztok.kobal at iskrasistemi.si
Sat Oct 4 02:11:05 UTC 2003

Iztok Kobal wrote:

> Bernd Pol wrote:
>> On Friday 03 October 2003 23:25, Bernd Pol wrote:
>>> On Friday 03 October 2003 23:04, Iztok Kobal wrote:
>>>> Platform: SuSE-8.1, kdelibs/qt-3.0.5
>>>> #>configure
>>>> ....
>>>> ....
>>>> checking for kconfig_compiler... not found
>>>> configure: error: The important program kconfig_compiler was not 
>>>> found!
>>>> Please check whether you installed KDE correctly.
>>>> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
>>>> kconfig_compiler does not seem to be part of the kde-3.0.5. Is this
>>>> configure script bug or end of backward compatibility ?
>>> configure didn't find it in SuSE 8.2, KDE 3.1.4, Qt 3.2 either. On 
>>> latest
>>> CVS just a quarter hour ago.
>>> Bernd
>> There is more in it!!!
>> Same error message when trying to compile latest KOffice CVS. Did you 
>> guys inadvertently remove sone KDE basic stuff when restructuring CVS 
>> to KDevelop???
> Just comment out (dnl at line start) the line 559 of the 
> admin/acinclude.m4.in.
> configure goes through - I am just building right now and will report 
> the issue as soon as ended. 

It builded ok on kdelibs-3.0.5/qt-3.0.5 or qt-3.0.4 with already 
mentioned constraints:

1. Attached is again the patch to be used with the kdelibs/qt-3.0.x
2. when linking editors/qteditor the linking against libkutils should be 
left out


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