Dynamic High-lighting?

Steven Peterson peterson at elvis.rowan.edu
Thu Oct 2 16:57:03 UTC 2003

Hey all, i'm new to the quanta mailing lists, and the linux/opensource scene 
in general as of this summer. Pretty much i'm a starting out programer at 
college, but I hope to slowly be able to get more involved and start doing 
real development eventualy. 

I don't know if this is an issue thats all ready been addressed, but it seems 
like a good question for a first post.

Does Quanta have some kind of "Dynamic Highlighting" that can be set? I know 
you can change the single higlighting mode for the entire document. However, 
right now i'm editing a HTML doc. with PHP scripts. It would be cool if i 
could say the 'default' highlight mode is HTML, but then set PHP as a 
secondary method, and have quanta seemlessly highlight the different parts of 
the document using the appropriet methods. 

the N00be, lol


Steven Peterson
Computer Science
Rowan University
Peterson at Elvis.Rowan.edu

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