qmake behaviour and kdevelop

Sascha Cunz mail at SaCu.DE
Thu Nov 27 21:28:05 UTC 2003

Hi all,
after creating a new project with template C++ -> QMake -> Application, 
kdevelop 3 creates two *.pro files; one for the root of the project tree and 
on in the subdir "src".

The one in the root of the project tree has:
	CONFIG += release warn_on qt thread 
The other one has just:
	CONFIG += release warn_on thread 

Resulting in the "Qt" check box being not enabled in the "src"-subproject's 
options-dialog (Configuration tab).

This raises two issues:
1. subproject "src" should by default link against Qt, thus it should
   be enabled there
2. it works anyway. This is because: $QTDIR/mkspecs/*/qmake.conf contains
   among others:
     CONFIG += qt
   This result in failure to create a qmake based project which does NOT
   link against libqt-mt etc. ( That's why i came to that issue at all )

I wanted to create a project which consists of several sub-projects. One of 
them being a server-application, which shall not link against Qt at all. For 
this purpose, i removed the CONFIG += qt from Qt's default config file. I'd 
be glad, if anybody could point me to a better way for doing this.

Cheers Sascha

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