KDevelop .desktop name and the app icon

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Fri Nov 14 14:31:02 UTC 2003

Jens Dagerbo wrote:

>when I run make install on my kdevelop/pics dir I see:
>/bin/install -c -p -m 644 ./hi48-app-kdevelop3.png 
> /opt/kde/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdevelop3.png
>In other words we install our app icon as "kdevelop3", not "kdevelop" which is 
>how we refer to it in the KDevelop code. I can only assume this is why I 
>don't have the KDevelop app icon shown correctly in for instance the About 
>box. Why reportedly it works for some people I have no idea, but I'd assume 
>they have old traces of Gideon or KDevelop-2 lying around.
>Is this broken, should I fix it?
yes, please.

> How? Changing the code, renaming the icons in 
>CVS or changing the install script? (The latter I assume is the easiest.) 
Renaming the file in CVS. If the file already exists in CVS (attic) then 
revive it, replace with the new one and commit.

Amilcar Lucas

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