Patch for Bug 65644 (paritial)

Sascha Cunz mail at SaCu.DE
Sat Nov 1 04:52:05 UTC 2003

Hi again ;)
  cd /usr/src/kde32cvs && find . -name | xargs grep KDE_ICON
shows many apps using multiple icons in KDE_ICON variable of,
i assume that Adriaan Putter is right in his bug report, that new icons should 
go there.

The attached patch allows this, which paritially solves the bug report. But it 
also raises other issues: The removal of an icon should remove the element 
from KDE_ICON again. Also, if you have hi32-app-test.png and 
hi16-app-test.png icons and you remove one of them, the other one must be 
removed from the details tree, too. It won't be there after reloading the 
project anyway.

The second part of bugreport 65644( if "icon data in kde_icon" has been 
removed, it cannot be added via kdevelop GUI ), could also be solved without 
big steps: But it would require an additional i18n at
buildtools/autotools/addtargetdlg.cpp:47. Another way to implement it, was to 
rename "Icon data in kde_icon" to "Data in kde_icon". This would not 
introduce new strings, but remove "Icon Data" from the list of strings. 
Anyway, this would have to be checked carefully again.

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