New plugin proposal

Marcin Dec ced at
Sun May 25 13:14:03 UTC 2003


I'm working on new plugin, I was advised to post about it here so here I'm :)

I'd like this plugin to be "class designer". But at the moment I call it 
"class model" because at the moment it has only "viewing ability".

Currently with this plugin you can:

1. add new/remove "model view" - they are show in left-side treeview
2. add classes to particular modelview
	- you can simply add all classes of current project, or
	- explicitly select particular classes, or
	- select files from which classes will be shown in model
3. show selected classes on scheme
	- classes are shown as a boxes
	- inheritance relations are shown as a "dashed lines"
3. for particular modelview you can set some options, for example
	- "zoom unit" - this is value used in scaling modelview
	- default options for class boxes
4. zoom in/out particular modelview - they have separate canvases, so every 
modelview can be scaled up independantly

Some short-term TODO items:

1. layout management - at the moment you have to arrange class boxes manually
2. editing options for particular class boxes
3. showing more class relations types - composition, "virtuality" :) , and so 

and mid-term TODO items:

1. functions for "class designing"
	- creating new class
	- adding methods/fields
	- creating class relations

... and if you like this plugin and gideon's developers will agree :)

1. integrating this plugin with bacground parsing - so modelview could show 
classes and their relations "on the fly"
2. putting this plugin' widget as KParts::ReadWritePart? - because "output 
view" is really too small for such plugin

Here you can find some screenshots:

I'd be very grateful for any comments, suggestions. You can find me on 
#kdevelop channel on, my nick is "analena" :)

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