Avoid headache while trying to make gdb interrupting at breakpoints in c-tors ...

Mario Scalas mario.scalas at libero.it
Thu May 8 16:45:10 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

... you just cannot stop there! At least this is true for plugins (but seems 
not limited to them) ... and, no, it is not gideon's (debuggerpart) fault but 
a gdb one (affects the 5.3 too).

Gdb will simply skip breakpoints set in c-tors! I've forund confirmation about 
this on this post: http://sources.redhat.com/ml/gdb/2003-01/msg00192.html
after I asked yesterday to jbb (who confirms it) on #kdevelop. Here it is an 
extract of the channel log (hey, they are useful sometimes ;) :

[23:19:55] <marioS> jbb: have you a recent gideon at hand? The debugger behave 
strangely here ...
[23:19:57] <roberto> jbb: yeah!! we have made a lot of progress
[23:20:08]  Signoff: annma (Remote closed the connection)
[23:20:15] <jbb> marioS: oh - can you describe
[23:20:36] <marioS> the debuggere simply skips the breakpoints (well some of 
[23:20:55] <marioS> they are set since the icon is red and I can see the 
messages of the output window
[23:20:55] <jbb> I'm bringing my system uptoday atm
[23:21:17] <jbb> marioS: try doing the same when running gdb at the command 
[23:21:36] <jbb> marioS: I bet gdb will skip even then
[23:22:06] <jbb> marioS: a couple of issues here -
[23:22:30] <marioS> argghhh: I'm not so proficient in using gdb by command 
line here and the bp I'm speaking about is a plugin ;)
[23:22:35] <jbb> marioS: optimised code (-O2) can show this behaviour
[23:22:48] <marioS> gdb: -O0 -g3 here
[23:23:06] <marioS> (well, it seems -O2 -O0 -g3 ...)
[23:24:03] <jbb> marioS: hmmm - don't know which is used (-O2 or -O0) - see if 
you can get rid of the -O2
[23:24:13] <jbb> marioS: then there are bugs in gdb
[23:24:36] <jbb> marioS: particular in stopping in constructors in shared 
[23:25:06] <marioS> jbb: it is proper my case! I cannot stop in AppWizard 
[23:25:18] <marioS> so I'm doomed!!!
[23:25:29]  Signoff: roberto ("Client exiting")
[23:25:42] <jbb> nope - set brkpoint before construction
[23:26:03] <jbb> and step into c-tor
[23:26:05] <marioS> and the I can go instruction by instruction?
[23:26:06]  roberto (~roberto at host103-78.pool80181.interbusiness.it) has 
joined channel #kdevelop
[23:26:29] <jbb> It's a pain - I know but the only way I found to get around 
the prob
[23:27:08] <jbb> marioS: It should work (crosses fingers :-)
[23:27:27] <marioS> jbb: I'm using gdb 5.3: is it buggy too?
[23:27:37] <jbb> marioS: for c++ - yes
[23:28:13] <jbb> marioS: but try at the command line anyway
[23:28:51] <jbb> marioS: it's handy to be able to drive gdb just a little
[23:30:00] <jbb> marioS: sometime you might need to fall back on kdebug print 
statements :((
[23:30:28] <marioS> jbb: Arghhhh!!! You are right!!!! If I set the bp before 
creating the object than it works!!!!
[23:30:38] <jbb> marioS: :-))
[23:30:51]  dave (~dmcglone at d14-69-109-37.col.wideopenwest.com) has joined 
channel #kdevelop
[23:31:00] -> -#kdevelop- : but marioS is happy since he now knows how to do 

So the solution I've found so far are:
1) Set a bp on any istruction which is _before_ the c-tor call;
2) Create a private function in which to put the code you would put in the 
c-tor, make it called in the c-tor and set bp in the function;
3) Say goodbye to breakpoints and use printf or kdDebug (roberto's way of life 

I've not tested the other solutions as explained in the linked post (use full 
constructor's signature when piloting gdb by command line: the same post says 
that you cannot set breakpoints neither in the destructor). Anybody 
interested in playing with it? ;)

Good luck with debugger,

Ps: I've posted this hoping to avoid somebody's else headache ... and 
eventually get feedback :)

- -- 
Mario Scalas <mario dot scalas at libero dot it>
Miser miser! Modo niger et ustus fortiter.
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