Gideon done falled all apart!

Jens Zurheide jens.zurheide at
Tue Mar 25 21:38:06 UTC 2003

>On Tuesday 25 March 2003 12:03 am, Steven T. Hatton wrote:
>> I just build off the latest CVS, and when I open a project.  All the
>> component frames are displayed as stand alone windows.  That is, I have
>> three separate windows.  One has the tool bars in it. Another has the
>> tabs for Message, Application, Difference Viewer, Valgrind, Grep,
>> Konsole, Problems, Breakpoints and CVS.  The las one has the tabs that
>> show the documents, code, classes, etc.  Is this what others are seeing?
>> STH
This happened to me as well some time ago. Maybe there were some changes in 
the project settings file?
>OK, he's back together.  I just clicked all the different user interface
>options and finally all the windows went back in place.  I don't have all
> the tabs I used to. For example I don't have the Classes tab, nor
> Problems, Breakpoints or CVS.
You might want to look under View|Tree Tool Views and View|Output Tool 
Views. Maybe the parts itself are enabled under Project|Project Options... 
but the tabs are disabled in the View menu.

HTH, Jens

PS: If you are missing the Build main menu entry: this happens here as well. 
Seems that my solution was lost in cyberspace because I did not notice 
neither comments nor commits ;-)

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