QMake support

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at gmx.de
Sat Mar 22 15:03:04 UTC 2003

I noticed big problems with importing qmake-based projects.
For instance, try the cvs version of LinCVS. See www.lincvs.org | 
Download | CVS.
After the Project | ImportExistingProject|qmakeproject procedure it 
doesn't work at all. No classes in the qmake manager, in the classview 
and it doesn't compile due missing include pathes to the Qt headers. 
Even if I disable lincvs.pro of that project.

If I call 'qmake lincvs.pro -o Makefile;make' from command line, 
everything works well.

I noticed similar problems with all other .pro file projects.
Anybody who wants to check that?

F at lk

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