Some Bugs/Ideas

Fabio Fracassi turiya at
Thu Mar 20 15:00:10 UTC 2003


I'm using Kdevelop on a daily basis, and would like to point out some Points I 
came across during work. I'm using a CVS version from a few days back.  Sorry 
if some of these are know, I try to follow the Mailinglist, but cant remember 
Of course everything is just IMHO.

- when using > Project > New class :
	When I enter a class Documentation into the appropiate Field the Author name
	gets Automatically written into the comment. (I dont want it there, besides,
	it looks odd in Doxygen. If it is Included there should be a configurable
	Author entry.)

	When I enter no Comments in this field the comment should not 
	be generated at all.

	The #ifndef / #define names in the header files are all uppercase, while this 
	is not genaraly a problem many style guides recomend using the same spelling
 	as in the filename.

	when creating a subclass, the include of the Superclass header is all

	when creating a subclass of a templated Superclass, the autogenerated code
	is not templated.

- The New File "Button/Tab" on the left (is there a proper name for these
   widgeds ?)
	The icons are to big. Each one takes half of the screen. 

	IMHO "New Class" should also be listed here.

- In the classes tab on the left there are various wrong entities.
	the same entity is listed multiple times,
	(mostly variables, only ocassionaly methods)
	others aren't listed at all.

My Whishlist:

- Basic Code Refactoring, i.e:
	Renameing/Moving of Entities. (Files, Classes/Methods/Variables)
		This should then replace all necessary references throughout the 

	"Auto Implenting/Overwriting of Prototypes" i.e:
		Basically the same what happens when you use the "New Class"
		Wizard. I Imagine something like you set your cursor on a protoype
		of a method, right click and select "Implement" and gideon will make a copy
		of the prototype in the apropiate .cpp file (or in the same file for
		Something like this: you have this prototype in foo.h:
		   class foo 	
			int f(int a, int b);
		you right click "Implement" and get:
			int foo::f(int a, int b) {

		And very simmilar for a context menu entry "Overwrite in >"
			which gives you a list of all subclasses, and makes(or changes)
			the apropiate	entrys in the subclass header and (perhaps)
			implemetation. (And makes the Prototype of the base class virtual if

Is there any work into this direction? I'd like to volunteer for this, but 
it'll have to wait until I finish my current work (probably another month). 
Until then keep up the good work, gideon is great.


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